Monday, March 14, 2011

Stress Reduction Tips

  1. Learn to lighten you load. Simplify.
  2. Live within your means.
  3. Simplify and unclutter your life.Start with smaller irritants and progress.
  4. Allow extra time to do things and get places.
  5. Listen to relaxing music while driving, working, or thinking.
  6. Do something for the kid in you every day. Set aside time to play and laugh.
  7. Worry constructively and only about things you can control. Don't sweat the small stuff. It's all small stuff.
  8. Weed out triva. Write down important things and forget unimportant details. Don't overburden your memory.
  9. Live in the present. Clear you mind of unpleasant experiences and emotions. Let it go!
  10. Every night, think of one thing for which you are grateful for and record it in your journal. 

Some other, perhaps obvious stress relievers:
  • Relaxation Techniques
    • Meditation
    • Imagery (imagination nation)
    • Yoga
    • Breathing 
  • LIFESTYLE (biggest factor related to longevity)
    • Healthy diet (to be avoided: sugar, caffeine, salt, and alcohol consumption)
    • Time management
      • ensure time for personal leisurely activities
    • Plenty of restful sleep
    • Develop relationships that promote healthy habits
    • Learn to seek help and support from others when needed
      • (we are all one - let go of your ego)

Author of article: Gwen Robbins et al. A wellness Way of Life


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