Thursday, February 3, 2011


Faith seems to come in many different forms these days. Whether it be through the religious teachings, the experiences in life, or some alternative motive - the power of faith remains a constant.

(The inspiration for this was the movie "Legion", which I just saw. Haha)

Having the ability to use faith for what it really is may be the single most important thing in a person's life. Even though I'm personally agnostic, I still have faith in that being a good person and having good intentions will allow me to further myself in life. The faith I withhold in my own being is a constant driving force for me within the gym and within day to day life. I can't explain how many times, in the gym, that I've wanted to stop. I've wanted to give up, let go, slow down, quit lifting. The only thing keeping me going was my faith that my body would survive the onslaught that I was putting it through.

So my challenge to everyone who reads this is as such:

Every time you feel like you can't. Believe.
Every time you feel like your body has had enough. Push.
Everyone and everything that may ever try to hold you back. Prove them wrong.

The power of faith will provide you with the will and strength to push yourself further in the direction you see fit.

Never give up. Never surrender. Never say "I can't" again.

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