Thursday, January 20, 2011

4 Easy Tips to be Healthier

Here they are:

1) Drink 2 glasses of water waking up - it jump starts both the metabolism and the day.
2) Have carbohydrates and protein together- carbohydrates is the fuel for current existing muscles in need of recovery, while protein is the building blocks for new muscle growth. Eating one or the other alone diminishes gains.
3) Pack your own lunch- No matter how healthy you want to be at fast food restaurants, nothing can beat the nutritional value of meat and produce from stores that can be easily packed for lunch.
4) Get 7-8 hours of sleep- getting any less and your won't fully recover. Sleep any more, your body becomes sluggish and less efficient.

Courtesy of Men's Health Magazine


  1. Like.

    As for jump starting the metabolism, eating within about 30minutes of waking up also gets the internal fire going to help the efficient burn of food for energy throughout your day. Breakfast is a time to fuel up on high energy and nutrient packed foods to keep you going all day long. Give your self enough time in the morning to enjoy it without having to rush out the door.

  2. Breakfast is actually my biggest meal. I tend to eat the most nutrients and calories around morning time because of the way our bodies work. They tend to store unused energy at night, and it's really just better to eat and provide your body with the glycogen, fats, proteins, and carbohydrates to perform within your day as you see fit. I've noticed that my energy within the gym seems to have doubled, maybe even tripled because of the change in where the majority of food is consumed in my day. May be worth a try...
