Friday, January 21, 2011

Illness and Language

This strikes me as profound.

Think about the power packed in language--in a word, a phrase, a label.

It is thought--it is our minds, our egos, we allow it to create us on a daily basis. I allow it to shape the direction of my ideas now, as I write.

Language is diagnosis. Language is a physical form that nonphysical things are shoved into. Language is another type of body. In the same way our own physical human bodies hold our Life Force and consciousness, language holds in (limits, shapes, dictates, yet allows to exist in the material world at all... i.e., gives hope, chances at anything as we know it) the ideas that brew inside our souls.

I'm trying to say!!!!!!! That!!!!!!! Language is something to be watched. We must observe it, we must listen to it without being affected as it passes through our brains and bodies. We must detach ourselves from it while continuing to use it for positivity.

So with ILLNESS: If you feel yourself catching a cold; if you are injured playing a sport; if you have been labeled with a mental illness, an eating disorder, ADHD, depression; if you are labeled "overweight" or "chronically obese" or "underweight" because your body mass index is different from what the "chart" says it should be; if you have cancer, AIDS... If your body "malfunctions" in some way........ BE AWARE OF THE DIAGNOSIS. Watch the label, and watch how it then so easily can infect your perceptions. It weakens you the minute you believe it. You shove yourself into the sickness, to fit the label, to grasp it as part of your identity now.

Don't fall prey! Detach from the label. Your illness or body malfunction is nothing more than a new situation you find yourself in. Yes, there may be discomfort. Yes, you may see negative emotions creeping in. But you can still rise above it all. Things are not good or bad. Your illness is not a terrible situation. It is just one that requires certain actions and not others.

Please, please: You are NOT your illness. You are light that can shine on it, expose it for what it is--something separate from you in your essence--and you can take action.

This is not a magic cure, but it gives hope, gives peace, gives strength. Your physical body can fall ill, in that it will decay, it will end. But for You, the body is not the end. The body is time, is language, is thought and emotion, is sensory experience.
You are the animator. You are its Animator, its Creator. You guide your body--not the other way around where fear and blind belief carrel you into negativity, defeat by the physical. If you accept the diagnosis--the language, the labels--this means that you have now forced your Self again into another limiting physical body, and you trap yourself further. Come out of hiding....... See that you are the Commander. You are the Loving Commander, you are Your BEING. You are you. Not illness.

Be peaceful. There is no room for despair or panic. Someone diagnosed with cancer may feel to do this is beyond their control. Someone labeled depressed may feel that rejecting the label means all of their anguish and distance from life was illegitimate. Not true. The panic is real, the sorrow is real, the pain is real. Feel it fully, acknowledge it, but swiftly disengage before you are swirled into a cloud of blindness and turmoil.

Now, lastly for here, to note: All things physical are not to be scorned. They should not be given new labels now of "contemptible" or "dirty" or "disease-prone" or "alien." They are still beautiful, they are still part of you. To distance yourself from them does not mean to turn on them and make them enemies. It means, rather, to accept and love them for what they are. There is no fighting them, no resistance. Yes, they fall ill, yes they end. But they can be hopeful while we have them. They are vehicles, expressors of the inexpressible. Consciousnesses connect by way of them. Language and bodies are only scary if You aren't aware of how they function in your Being. If you let them push and pull you because you haven't distanced yourself from them, then they suck you dry and you get lost in them.

When you gain awareness, acceptance, and control over labels and your body, then you can use them for positive action and existence. You will have become enlightened. You will finally Be, with a captial B...not merely exist as blood and muscles and impulses. You bear yourself. You create yourself through awareness.


I may need to return to clarify things. Posting now.

I love you all.


  1. Hopefully my lovely fellow blog-contributors don't receive email notifications every time editing is done to a post... Because I made small edits probably 5-10 times to this. Heh. Live and learn. Patience with posting.


  2. Lol just post it as is and leave it there, Lell. Perfection isn't necessary! I liked it, by the way.

  3. Language as another body - cool thought.

    We are not our bodies, though, for the moment, we are contained in them nonetheless. It is imperative that we be aware of this and treat our bodies accordingly. Know what you are putting in your body and why. Stretch and breath deeply. Release stress and stressors constructively. Play like a child. Love always.
