Friday, January 21, 2011

What We Need for Health

Unconditional Compassion.

We need to love and accept each other and ourselves for what we are now. Obese, angry, gluttonous, self-scorning, self-hating, arrogant, bigots, ignorant, desirous, restless... Peaceful, kind, soft, humble, yielding... Confused, indifferent, apathetic, incredulous, skeptical, pained... Sorry, regretful, ashamed, humiliated... Neutral, everything, nothing...

Whatever we are, however we got here, it doesn't matter. What matters is that we love each other NOW, as we are, no requirements, no changes made. The life and beauty is there, in the mix of all of our histories and experiences and presence as we are.

Our mistakes are not mistakes. We live and we learn, so long as we are aware. Cultivate that awareness, and realize that we all have difficulties. Forgive yourself, forgive others, forgive ourselves as a whole.

Start there. No judgments.

Unconditional Compassion.


  1. I think the world would be great if two people with completely conflicting personalities would just be able to look each other in the eyes and say, " and me don't mesh to well. You wanna just like make sure we don't cause shit between each other and just move along with life?" haha.

  2. Love your self and love your neighbor. Love unconditionally. Start with yourself, truly look at the obstacles in your path. Be able to go beyond your fears. Go beyond the fear of the differences we see in others. It takes a much more courage to love others. The easiest thing to do in life is to give up. Don't give in to fear - Love!
