Friday, January 21, 2011


So I was pondering and reflecting upon some of the recent visits to Costco, Sam's Club, and Kroger. I've come to realize that at the current rate of how people shop for shitty foods, we're going to see a massssssive increase in fatties around here. I can't even begin to explain how walking through food stores is for me now that I've lost the decrepit fat I once had. Almost every time I go through the stores, I see a parent buying absolutely horrible foods for what looks like children. It makes me absolutely siiiiiick to the stomach every time I see a kid holding on to a cart with an obese mother pushing a cart full of processed and nutrient null foods. It's like looking at a younger version of myself...thinking that nothing was wrong with eating all these delectable treats. these high sugar, high chemical, high SHIT foods to get through the day. Parents of this world need to wake the fuck up and realize what they're doing to not only themselves, but to their own children.

I feel tempted at times to walk up to that obese mother and ask her how she feels about being disgustingly obese. When she gives me an answer, I'd follow up with asking, "Now what would you think of your son/daughter going through life and ending up as fat as you? Do you even care? Does any part of your being even desire to give your child a real meal and lifestyle that'll yield a truly healthy body? Are you afraid of listening to him bitch about the lack of sweets and tasty treats? Really, mom? REALLY? What would you rather have...a kid who hates you for making him eat healthy? Or would you rather have a kid who has countless healthy issues in his future, an impending death before 50, and a SEVERE hatred for everything that he's become? Choose, mom...Choose."

1 comment:

  1. I appreciate the urgency of the message but at the same time take care to chose words wisely. I'd like to stay professional on here. There's a lot of different things involved in unhealthy lifestyles and no one aspect can be considered the cause or solution. That's why we're looking at health from a universal approach.

    Obesity is a huge and increasing problem that must be addressed with strong action but also consideration and love.
