Thursday, January 27, 2011

6 Influential Factors of the 7 Components to Health

Here are a few diagrams I've been looking at as a part of my Kinesiology class at MSU titled "The Healthy Lifestyle". I will often be posting materials from this course to share with readers. It's also a great way for me to learn.
The Factors of Growth in Wellness

The core of a healthy lifestyle is self-responsibility. Given such wonderful opportunities in this world, we must treat life with great respect. Health and wellness go far beyond the state of one's body though this is often a good indicator of the state of a person's health beyond the physical aspects.  Above, the arrows so the factors that influence our growth in health. The circle represents the 7 components of wellbeing. Please assess the state of your health. Develop S.M.A.R.T. goals (specific, measurable, achievable, rewardable, and time-based). If one area is lacking, all are lacking. In a more positive way - if we improve one aspect, we improve all aspects!

Dimensions of Health and Wellness Continuum  
Above is a different way of looking at the components of health. Here they are shown intertwined. It's like a rope, if one thread is corrupt the integrity and strength of the whole rope begins to fail. However, being that they are intertwined - they are much stronger than 7 separate strands.

One last thing for now I'd like to touch on is treatment and prevention. All too often we act without thinking about the long-run. We don't fully consider the consequences of what we do. So when things finally catch up to us we've got to treat some ailment. Being well has a lot to do with preventing these ailments. We don't need all the drugs doctors would have us take. We need apples. Lots of apples. Eat lots of (non-GMO) fruits and veggies to stay in health and out of the doc's office. 

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